Our social workers are available to assist families towards a home environment which enables children to have the best possible start in life. They understand the critical importance of educating parents/caregivers about babies and children’s growth and development stages.
They offer home visits and face-to-face meetings to assess the needs and the most helpful way forward.
They can help families in many ways:
- providing emotional and cultural support
- supporting parents in school-related matters – eg school enrolments, talking with teachers, principals, school counsellors
- responding to referrals – self-referrals or from Oranga Tamariki, Barnardos, Police, CABs etc
- liaising with OT where a child is at risk of abuse
- linking families with appropriate professional agencies such as the Children’s Autism Foundation, GPs, counsellors, police etc
- helping families seeking assistance through WINZ, Housing NZ, food parcels, children’s sports and cultural programmes etc

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Our Testimony
I am writing this letter in appreciation of the kindness and help I received by New Zealand Ethnic Social Services Trust. Given my past situation (things that went down with my family), my visa situation and status, and struggling with a few personal issues, I was really running out of hope and saw no way out; until my partner’s mother brought me to NZESS, and that’s where I met the lovely social worker. She was very warm, kind to me and very considerate, listened intently to the very complicated situation I was put in because of everything I went through, and brought light to a few options I could have. She showed me there was a way when I was really lost, and I will forever be grateful for this. Although not much could be done, social worker got me in touch with an excellent lawyer, who assisted with my visa application, and was very genuine. With his help, my visa got approved without any hassle in a little over two weeks’ time. I cannot express my gratitude enough for this, eventhough it may not seem like much. The social worker gave me hope, and that’s what I am thankful for.